How do you remove the skin from peppers?

It is strongly advised against the sensitive intestines to consume the skin of the pepper, very rich in fibers, often difficult to digest. Without hesitation, it is better to peel it! To do this, discover our tested and approved techniques, which will allow you to enjoy your sweet peppers without a second thought.
How to peel the skin of bell peppers?
You may have learned to master popular pepper dishes, like peperonata, but have you discovered a painless technique for removing the skin?
For example, did you know that you can remove the skin from peppers by roasting them in the oven or boiling them in the microwave?
Here are four easy techniques for removing the skin from peppers:
1) Peel the roasted peppers
Roasting peppers in the oven to remove the skin is one of the most common techniques used. Simply brush the peppers with extra-virgin olive oil, then place them on a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 280° for about 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, you will notice the blackened and swollen skin: after leaving the peppers in the closed oven for about ten minutes, run them under cold water and the skin will come off on its own!
2) Remove skin from microwaved peppers?
Open the peppers and remove the seeds and the white parts, cut them into strips and place them in a container suitable for the microwave. Cook them at maximum power for 3 minutes then place them in a food bag. Leave the peppers for 5/10 minutes and the skin will come off on its own.
3) Grill the peppers then peel them
Simply place the peppers under a hot broiler until the skin blisters and turns partially black. Then, place the peppers in a plastic food bag while they are still hot. After about 10 minutes, remove the peppers and peel off the skin. This technique can also be done using a flame on the stove or a blowtorch, being very careful not to burn yourself!
4) Peel the raw peppers with a Y-peeler

And as a last resort, if you don't have a heat source, you can use a Y-shaped vegetable peeler to remove the skin. In this case, it is really easy to remove the skin, so we recommend this solution for peeling your raw peppers, but be careful not to cut your fingers.
Nutrition of Peppers
Red bell peppers are a rich source of several vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds. Interestingly, the red pepper is similarly the only variety of Capsicum that contains little or no capsaicin, the compound responsible for the heat.
Peppers are a great cooking ingredient found in many traditional cuisines around the world, not just Mediterranean. Bell peppers are rich in a number of vitamins and antioxidants just like rhubarb , including vitamin C, making them an ideal choice for all kinds of dishes. They also contain minerals such as potassium and folic acid, as well as various fibers. Red peppers are one of the richest vegetables in lycopene, which has been successfully tested in the prevention of a number of cancers. Finally, peppers are also very low in calories.
The origin of red pepper
Capsicum annuum is native to Central and South America, and its domestication probably began in central Mexico around 7,500 years ago. Over time, several varieties took shape and are still cultivars today. Peppers are one such variety and were actively cultivated before Spanish exploration in the 1400s.
Red bell pepper is a variety of Capsicum annuum, a family that also includes cultivars like jalapeño, cayenne pepper, chili pepper, and a few other hot peppers. Although you may see other types of bell peppers that are red in color, only the red bell pepper is colloquially referred to as a " red bell pepper ".
Red pepper also called sweet pepper has a slightly sweet, but earthy taste. These peppers are fully mature versions of the more bitter green peppers.
Red peppers, now grown around the world, remain popular for the way their sweet flavors complement many dishes.
Health benefits of red pepper
Technically, the red pepper is a fruit, but it's more common to find it in the vegetable aisle. They are also an excellent source of vitamins A and C. Each half cup of raw red bell pepper provides you with 47% of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin A and 159% of your vitamin C.
Here are some of the other health benefits of red peppers:
Immune system support
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights cell damage, boosts the immune system's response to microbes, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Red bell peppers are rich in vitamin C, although roasting them reduces their vitamin C content by up to 25%.
Improve eye and skin health
Vitamin A and beta-carotene in red peppers are beneficial for vision and eye health. Vitamin A is also useful for supporting skin cells, healing wounds and stimulating the growth of white blood cells.
To conclude :
The pepper is a very versatile vegetable that can be used in many dishes, hot or cold, especially because of its many colors. They go perfectly with grilled or barbecued meats, such as these skewers of lamb, zucchini and peppers. Or how about this delicious vegetarian and colorful Spanish potato tortilla recipe with pepper and tomato?
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